Our Objectives

Focussing on three main areas identified in part from the results of our community survey and in part by the top 10 solutions to reverse global warming taken from a peer reviewed book by Project Drawdown - The Top 100 Solutions to Reverse Global Warming - We aim to equip the local community with the information, skills and resources to inspire and enable them to make more sustainable choices in their everyday lives.


1. Recycling and Reduction of single-use plastic:

Providing clarity on recycling services and the options available, workshops to provide alternatives to some common products that only come in plastic e.g. home made cleaning and beauty products. Operating a refill station for household products to encourage the rescue of containers. Create an online and printed directory of all of the local facilities and services that provide packaging free options, reuse and repair options. Introducing a network of recycling points for items that cannot currently be collected curb-side and a network of repair stations for household repairs. Use the High Street Phone Box as an information point to share all of this information.


2. Encourage a more plant based diet:

Helping people take steps towards being conscious consumers through recipe swaps, workshops and social media campaigns and a directory of local producers. Promoting high welfare, local and organic farming alongside a more plant based diet.


3. Working towards less food Waste:

We aim to educate through workshops, online directory and talks to cover composting, meal planning, storage and sell-by dates to help people understand the economic and environmental benefits to less wastage.